April 25, 2023

The spectacular sail in to Eidsfjord past the snow-covered fjords captivated us that morning. The small communities nestled among the woodlands looked so peaceful.
All too soon, the sail-in was over and we arrived at Eidsfjord, a tiny town surrounded by snow-covered mountains.

We went in search of hot chocolate and waffles. The first place we tried turned out not to be so great as the hot chocolate you served yourself from a machine and the waffles had got pretty cold just sitting out in a covered pedestal. So we tried a second place, and it was better, but not as great as we had been looking forward to after the build-up from the shore excursion talks. The town itself was fun to walk through though. Trolls seem to be the Norse equivalent of fairies. The gift stores featured a wide variety of trolls and their was a great statue in town. We stopped at a grocery store and Brent was happy to discover whale meat sausage. He had been looking forward to trying whale meat. He said the sausage was delicious, but I refused to try it on principal.
The sail away was just as beautiful as our arrival.
I am a vegetarian, and would also definitely be opposed to eating whale meat on principle as well. The pictures are just beautiful! This reminds me of parts of Washington! The villages are so cute!